I've been coveting this Mayle bag! But I can't really afford it, I haven't been to lagarconne lately, but there are some online stores that lowered their prices on Mayle stuff. Too sad I'm broke to buy any of her pieces and she's leaving the fashion design world. =/
This blog is not a store. It does not have a charming storefront, fashionable employees, or a discount rack. It doesn't require balance sheets, or a business plan, nor does it's survival rest in the strained arms of our economy. It is simply a concept and a dream that consumes my thoughts and pulls at my heart. Which is precisely why I've chosen this as an alternative venue. I want to create an atmosphere, here, to emulate what has not yet come to fruition out there. This blog is my store, for now.
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noun 1. The eighth month of the Gregorian Calendar containing 31 days named for Augustus Octavianus; the month following July and preceding September. adjective 1. Of or befitting a lord; heir to a lordly fortune; of august lineage. 2. Profoundly honored; revered holy men. 3. Derived from "great", "venerable", "increase".
I've been coveting this Mayle bag! But I can't really afford it, I haven't been to lagarconne lately, but there are some online stores that lowered their prices on Mayle stuff. Too sad I'm broke to buy any of her pieces and she's leaving the fashion design world. =/
This bag would keep me happy long enough to justify the price...only IF I had the $$ to get it!
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